Hello Fenix fam! I am looking to add some classes to the schedule. I would love to know your thoughts on time and day of the week. Please vote on the class time and day you would prefer and the class you'd like to see as an option to the schedule. If you don't see your class in the poll, comment or email me with your choice. I know it's impossible to accommodate everyone's schedules but I really want to try!
Be sure to vote for BOTH below!
Choose the class you would like to see added.
Strength & Stretch
Mobility/Hot Stretch
Hot 50
Dance Cardio
You can vote for more than one answer.
Choose the ideal class time and day of the week for the extra class.
Monday 4:30pm
Tuesday/Thursday 7:30pm
Sunday 1pm
Sunday 4pm
You can vote for more than one answer.
I agree with this. I would love an 8am class 3 days a week for strength
I would like strength and stretch to be offered MWF AT 8 am or 8:30. 9:30 is a bit late for me ! Thanks Laurie